
Hi! I'm Felipe Gac (pronounced "Gac". Yes, just as it is written. Easy, right? No brainer), a software engineer with over 8 years of experiences with a wide range of technical skills for a different disciplines. Currently working as software developer at Octano (Santiago, Chile).

My journey in this business started early (Too early, i must said) at the age 15 when i started to learn about how the software works. After that, i went to college, where i got my Computer Engineer college degree. This helped me to expand my range of knowledge and, above all, to learn the basics of how to face the challenges related to the management of a project, such a how to set limits of a project, evaluate times, and most importantly: the basics of how to manage a client. After that, I had different jobs, from analyst QA to DevOps, going through front-end developer, back-end developer, project manager, and consultant, among others.

My work is something I do with lot of honesty, commitment, and doing the best i can. Yes, sometimes i make mistakes, as everyone, but i always be transparent about that.

In recent years I had the opportunity to work in different companies (Some small, others larger), to which I will always appreciate the trust they placed in me when I was with them. In addition to my full time work, I also work as a freelancer, a modality in which I have been able to participate in different projects and personal ideas that have helped me to learn from different topics, and in which I have fortunately been able to contribute a little to improve the experience in the market to which they aim (I emphasize mainly one. Yes, I'm talking about you guys ❤️).

Oh, it's fair to say: I'm not a designer. I can handle Photoshop, Sketch and other design apps, but that does not make me a designer. But I must say: I love their work, and probably without them, my own would not be good.

As i said above, I’m currently employed and working as a software developer at Octano. In my spare time you’ll find me exploring the amazing world of music, attending live concerts, and sometimes, traveling to another countries to catch the bands i love. I tend to capture the good moments with my phone. I'm not a pro photographer, but photography itself can teach us much about visual impression and storytelling as life itself.

Feel free to reach out at felipe [at] fgacv.net or follow me on Mastodon, Instagram or Linkedin.